Saturday, August 29, 2015

Update - My Scribbles

The Wonderings of Jack Coving
Once again, you have arrived, full of zealous to engage in my wonderings. I won’t keep you too long this time; short and sweet, I promise. I appreciate your interest in the nattering of a broken man; it is very kind of you. Please make yourself comfortable and join me, as we dive once again, into my wonderings.

It’s a Dog’s Life
It says a lot about the morals and values of society when an eleven grand reward is offered up for information regarding a tortured dog. It makes me think that priorities are somewhat askew here.

From one animal lover to another; it makes me sick to my stomach to think that somebody would be so twisted as to slit the throat of a family pet, however on the same weekend as this horrific incident; a man in his seventies was pulled from a car and beaten to within an inch of his life; his attacker got into a serious fit of road rage. Not many people had heard about this; never mind mustering the enthusiasm to catch the sick son of a bitch who flogged this poor man... More

© Sarah O’Regan

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Update - My Scribbles

The Wonderings of Jack Coving  
I must admit my surprise to see you return. I thought my last rant had sent you on your way for good. How glad I am we cross paths again. Please my friend, fill your glass and make yourself comfortable, as we indulge once again, in my wonderings…

Jack Coving Presents: Where is my God?
An Atheist’s Guide to Salvation
At one point in my life, I had it all worked out. I had a wonderful wife, a promising career, a nice home and a savage car; I still have the car, but like myself, it’s been through the trenches. I dealt with the here and the now; with facts, figures and logic. I thought I was smart; much smarter than those God fearing fools. I had it all figured out. I didn’t fall into the trap of humble, wholesome religion; God never existed and never will. Who needs God when you have logic?...More

More From Jack Coving

© Sarah O’Regan

Monday, August 3, 2015

Update - My Handywork

Arts and Crafts - Wind Chimes
I decided to spend my lazy bank holiday Monday making these not very chimey wind chimes out of old Christmas decorations, ribbons, bangles and old jewelry... More

Hearts and Stars

©Sarah O'Regan